Sunday, March 4, 2018

And The Winner Is...

As I promised last post, I think I have come up with a topic that I can work with! The final result is… travel! As of right now, I’m feeling pretty confident in doing a travel magazine because I have a great experience traveling around the world and I have seen sights that have forever changed who I am. Also, during Spring Break (which I cannot absolutely wait for), I am going to be doing a little bit of traveling myself. This gives me a perfect opportunity to collect some pictures and information that can truly spice up my magazine spread. I’ll keep you guys in suspense as to where I’m headed for now :). That being said, I can’t wait to finally get down to some serious research on travel magazines!

Even though I have an overall theme I am going with, I still have to decide specifically how the information on travel will be presented. I have been looking at different types of travel magazines and I ran into the following dilemma: should I create a high-quality magazine that will mainly attract older, wealthier readers, such as Travel and Leisure, or if I should make a quirky, fun travel magazine that will be more directed towards millennials and younger readers with a more humble income, such as National Geographic Traveller.

I’m kind of torn between the two directions I can go, but I think I might end up going in the more humble route of National Geographic Traveller because it gives me more of an opportunity to personalize the contents of the magazine by having personal accounts of trips people have taken, rather than only having the editors sharing their knowledge about travel aspects.

In addition, I really do like the National Geographic Traveller magazine because the cover has the iconic yellow border that encloses the cover page. I would like to have a specific design that goes around the page that when readers glimpse at the cover page at a distance, they can immediately recognize my magazine. Another magazine that actually does this is TIME, which has an iconic red border that encloses the page. If I want to stick with traditional magazine covers, however, I am restricted to using colors that are warmer and less confrontational than the color red, such as light blue, green, and yellow.

In the upcoming posts, I will delve much deeper into my research in order to get a much better understanding of what I really need to do to embody the travel magazine style, as well as come up with a specific design for the magazine spread, including what I will title my magazine. I was thinking of maybe titling my magazine cover something along the lines of "Coloring Outside the Lines," or "Looking Outside the Box," to signify that the magazine will be different and unique from any other ordinary travel magazine. Anyways, I gotta run, so I'll chat with you later.

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Hey everyone, my CCR is taking a really long time to upload to YouTube because I'm using a much older computer than my current computer ...